What We Do

At Hunter Joseph Salon we strive to provide our clients with the best customer service, products & a well educated staff.

Serving our community since 2005. Specializing in natural, maintainable color, haircut, facials and lash extensions.

Our goal is to help perfect your hair style/color, skincare treatments and home care regimen and recommend products to provide a healthier long term look from your home following your appointment.

At Hunter Joseph Salon our stellar team of salon professionals is comprised of all independent contractors. Starting prices and payment methods accepted will vary. Due to the customized work our stylists perform based on your hair’s specific needs, most color and specialty services are priced “and up”. We want you to find the best possible stylist for your hair, so consultations are always complimentary.

We believe a visit to our salon should be fun, relaxing and inspire all at once. And no visit is complete without a glass of red or white wine or a fresh cup of coffee or tea.

Through expert consultations, impeccable experience and friendly environment. Hunter Joseph Salon is your new home